Deborah James on bowel cancer, Maria Miller, Nitrous oxide, Sandra Newman

Published: May 21, 2019, 1:01 p.m.


Author, blogger and podcaster Deborah James on living with bowel cancer and busting taboos with her Sun column and the You Me and the Big C podcast.

Maria Miller, chair of the Women and Equalities Select Committee is introducing a Ten Minute Rule Bill to outlaw discriminatory redundancies. She has cross party support for her Bill to give new protections to pregnant women and mothers on maternity leave and for six months after returning to work. So how would her plans works and how hopeful is she that they will become law?

The public need to be made aware of the dangers of nitrous oxide say nurses at the Royal College of Nursing Annual Congress. So what is nitrous oxide, what are the dangers, the legal situation and should parents be concerned?

The Heavens by Sandra Newman is a time slip novel with a mind-expanding love story, set in New York 2000 and London 1593. Sandra joins Jane to talk among other things about utopias, mental illness and daring to be disrespectful to William Shakespeare.

Presenter: Jane Garvey\\nInterviewed guest: Deborah James\\nInterviewed guest: Maria Miller\\nInterviewed guest: Catherine Gamble\\nInterviewed guest: Sandra Newman\\nProducer; Lucinda Montefiore
