Covid-19 and eating disorders. Nicole Taylor, writer of the drama The Nest. Plus celebrating Passover under lockdown.

Published: April 9, 2020, 10:26 a.m.


The UK\\u2019s leading charity supporting those affected by eating disorders BEAT estimates that around 1.25 million people in the UK have an eating disorder. They\\u2019ve seen a 30% increase for demands in services in light of the Coronavirus. With so much emphasis on food shortages and stockpiling, how are those with eating disorders going to be affected ? Listener Amy Nguyen is an Anorexia survivor, Megan Jayne Crabbe a mental health and lifestyle blogger and Jess Griffiths is one of BEAT\\u2019s Clinical Associate Trainers.

Covid-19 has also seen a high level of anxiety among pregnant women. Jo Mountfield Vice President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and a consultant obstetrician at University Hospital Southampton explains what maternity services might look like and why mums to be should still seek help if they\\u2019re concerned.

When the first world war broke out the suffragettes suspended their campaign for Votes for Women to join the war effort. Pioneering couple Louisa Garrett Anderson and Flora Murray moved to France and set up two small military hospitals with a staff of volunteers. It was so successful the War Ministry asked them to return to London and establish one there. Wendy Moore\\u2019s book Endell Street is about the lives of the pioneering couple and the remarkable women who worked with them.

Writer Nicole Taylor talks about her new BBC Drama \\u2018The Nest\\u2019. And in today's Woman's Hour Corona Diary we hear from Rachel Snow-Miller about what it's like celebrating Passover under lockdown .

Presenter Jenni Murray\\nProducer Beverley Purcell

Guest; Wendy Moore \\nGuest; Nicole Taylor\\nGuest; Amy Nguyen\\nGuest; Megan Jayne Crabbe \\nGuest; Jess Griffiths\\nGuest; Rachel Snow-Miller
