Author Wendy Holden. Sexual violence in rural areas. How to make time for yourself

Published: Aug. 21, 2020, 11:15 a.m.


Marion \\u2018Crawfie\\u2019 Crawford was a young Scottish trainee teacher who wanted to educate children in the slums of Edinburgh but ended up as governess to a young Princess Elizabeth and her sister Margaret. How much did she influence and shape their lives? Writer Wendy Holden on how she's brought her story to life, in a new novel \\u2018The Governess: She Came from Nothing and Raised a Queen \\u2019.

Earlier this year Rhea, a sixteen year old girl from Shetland, put out an appeal using an anonymous app, to anyone who wanted to share their personal stories about sexual violence. Within 24 hours she'd had more than 60 responses. Rhea, and Lisa Ward, manager of Rape Crisis Shetland, talk about what those stories say about where they live.

And in the next in our summer series of How to guides, we discuss the art of stepping off the treadmill and carving out time for yourself. How can you minimise feelings of guilt and maximise bliss moments? What are the best ways to politely but firmly say no?

Presenter Jane Garvey\\nProducer Beverley Purcell

Guest; Wendy Holden\\nGuest; Deborah Joseph\\nGuest; Louise Pentland \\nGuest; Celia Dodd
