Author Maggie OFarrell. US Election result. How to build your confidence.

Published: Nov. 4, 2020, 12:59 p.m.


Maggie O\\u2019Farrell\\u2019s first picture book for children is the story of a brave little girl who is visited by her snow angel in her time of need. The idea for the book grew out of a story Maggie told her own sick child in the back of an ambulance. Why are reassuring tales so crucial for children and adults in difficult times?

This US election has been described as one of the most divisive US presidential elections in decades, pitting incumbent Republican Donald Trump against his Democratic challenger Joe Biden. We reflect on the results with USA Today columnist and CNN political & legal pundit, Sophia Nelson and Bronwen Maddox, Director of Institute for Government, previously foreign and US editor for the Times. How did North American women vote this time and with more women than ever standing for election, who are the winners and losers?

How do you build your confidence when you\\u2019re at rock bottom? Whether you\\u2019ve had an illness, your partner has left you or you\\u2019re returning to work after having a baby, your sense of identity can suffer. Chloe Tilley is joined by confidence coach Jo Emerson and Frances Monaghan of Wise Women to explain how you can overcome low self-esteem.

Presenter Chloe Tilley\\nProducer Beverley Purcell\\nPhoto Credit; Murdo MacLeod
