Author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Published: June 3, 2021, 3:24 p.m.


Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is the author of novels including \'Purple Hibiscus\', \'Half of a Yellow Sun\', which won the Orange Prize (now called the Women\\u2019s Prize for Fiction), and \'Americanah\', which won the US National Book Critics Circle Award. Chimamanda has also delivered two landmark TED Talks: The Danger of A Single Story, and We Should All Be Feminists, which started a worldwide conversation about feminism and was published as a book in 2014. She has now written a more personal book. On 10 June 2020 her father died suddenly in Nigeria. A self-confessed daddy\\u2019s girl, she has now remembered her father in a tribute, \'Notes on Grief\'. Her mother has since also died. How do you deal with double heartbreak? Chimamanda joins Emma to examine the layers of loss and the nature of grief.

Lord Michael Heseltine, who was Deputy Prime Minister in the mid-nineties, says he\'s had to attend a House of Lords course to do with what\'s right and what\'s wrong when it comes to conduct between colleagues, especially between men and women. The training is called "Valuing Everyone". The House of Lords has been very firm about this online course on inappropriate behaviour and prejudice, saying all peers must attend. Lord Heseltine was sent a reminder that he MUST complete it, which seems to have aggravated him a great deal. He\\u2019s here, and so is Wera (pron: VERA) Hobhouse, Lib Dem MP. In the House of Commons, the course isn\'t mandatory for MPs.

Parm Sandhu grew up in the Midlands - a child of immigrants from the Punjab whose main ambition for her she says was to become an \\u2018obedient wife\\u2019. Forced into an arranged marriage at 16 she later fled to London and in 1989 joined the police. In her memoir \\u2018Black and Blue: One Woman\\u2019s Story of policing\\u2019 which is out next week, she tells her story of her thirty years in the Metropolitan police - rising through the ranks from a WPC to Chief Superintendent and becoming New Scotland Yard\\u2019s most senior ethnic minority woman in the force. She tells us her 30 year career was marred by repeated racism and sexism and a charge of gross misconduct which she was later cleared of. This led to her bringing an employment tribunal claim against the force and reaching a financial settlement with them last year.

The sun is out and if you\\u2019re looking out your summer dresses and skirts you might also be weighing up the state of your skin after months of slobbing at home in your lockdown comfies. Sales of personal grooming products like deodorant, skincare products and razors went down during the pandemic so will we be embracing the natural look? Or maybe you already do as a member of the hairy legs club? We talk to the stand-up comedian, Ashley Storrie about her beauty regime and also to George Driver, the acting Beauty Director of ELLE UK.

Presenter: Emma Barnett\\nProducer: Kirsty Starkey

Interviewed Guest: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie\\nInterviewed Guest: Michael Heseltine\\nInterviewed Guest: Wera Hobhouse\\nInterviewed Guest: Parm Sandhu\\nInterviewed Guest: Ashley Storrie\\nInterviewed Guest: George Driver
