Day 4 - (Peace) - Tools Needed for a Successful Trek

Published: March 30, 2016, 3:45 p.m.

Ensuring Your Peace

Change your focus. If you are constantly focusing on the situations that are causing you anxiousness and a lack of peace, then you will never be able to get beyond them and gain peace in your life.
Change your circumstances. If you are in a harmful or negative circumstance or environment that is robbing you of peace, change your circumstances and/or environment. If you cannot change your circumstance/environment, find ways to minimize the impact they are having on your life. Some circumstances may be self-imposed, and we have to live with them, at least for now. That is why every choice we make each day is important.
Change your attitude. One thing that we do have complete control over, regardless of our situation, is our attitude. It is not the issues of life that rob us of our peace, but how we allow those issues to impact us. Changing your attitude, may not be easy, but it is possible. No one has control over your attitude, except for yourself.