Day 348 – Your Life Plan Blueprint – The WESPER Framework

Published: May 13, 2016, 8:45 p.m.

It is now time to get started on the 10th day of Your Life Plan Blueprint workbook. If you missed any of the previous days in this series, they are available at We have finished up changing your thought patterns and the purpose of goals within Your Life Plan Blueprint. It is now time to explore the framework which the blueprint is built on. Any solid structure needs a solid framework at its core. The core of Your Life Plan Blueprint is:

The WESPER Framework – Overview

If you are following along in the manual/workbook, we will first cover page 19 and 20 and introduce the WESPER framework and workflow for creating your life plan. I will go into detailed analysis of each step on subsequent days, so for today’s trek, just focus on grasping the overall concept.