Day 243 – Your Life Plan Blueprint – Goal Review #2

Published: May 8, 2016, 6:25 p.m.

Your Life Plan Blueprint©

2. Review Process

Our trek today we will complete the review process that we started yesterday.

· Key Points to Consider When Reviewing Goals

As you review the results of your actions throughout the process, ask yourself the following questions:

How are you progressing against your targets? Are you exceeding your expectations? Are you barely meeting your expectations? Are you falling behind?
What is helping you in your goal? Why is it working? How can you focus on this to further increase your results? Are there any opportunities to improve on what has been working?
What is not helping you reach your goal? Why is it not working? Can you do anything about it to turn it around? Should you abandon the task instead? What can you do differently in the future? How can you incorporate the lessons into your plan to maximize your chances of success?