Day 2133 The Gospel of John 1 Who is the Apostle John? Daily Wisdom

Published: April 18, 2023, 7 a.m.

b"Welcome to Day 2133 of Wisdom-Trek, and thank you for joining me. This is Guthrie Chamberlain, Your Guide to Wisdom The Gospel of John - 1 \\u2013 Who is the Apostle John? \\u2013 Daily Wisdom Putnam Church Message \\u2013 01/23/2022 The Gospel of John \\u2013 Who is the Apostle John? Today we begin a new Good News series according to John the Apostle. This message will examine John's identity and why he was unique among all Apostles. Have you ever started reading a novel, and you go to the last page of it to see how it ends before reading it?\\xa0 That is what we will do today, so turn with me in your Bibles to John 21:24-25, or join me on page 1689 in the pew Bibles as I read the Scripture for today. Just two powerful verses as we begin this influential extended series of messages. \\xa0I would recommend keeping this passage open as we go throughout the message today: John 21:24-25 \\xa0This is the disciple who testifies to these things\\xa0and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true. Jesus did many other things as well.\\xa0If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. \\xa0 John had lived long enough to see it all, from the beginning to the end. As a bold, blustering young man, the idea of tramping around the wilderness of Judea after John the Baptizer appealed to him a great deal\\u2014so much so, that the young fisherman left a thriving fishing enterprise in the hands of his brother, James, and abandoned his privileged status for the Baptizer\\u2019s diet of locusts and wild honey \\u2026 and for the chance to help prepare Israel for the coming of the Messiah. He helped the forerunner of the Messiah baptize thousands of repentant Jews. He supported the strange, Elijah-like figure as he called down judgment upon the corrupt leaders of the Jewish people. \\xa0 Then, finally, the day came when John saw the long-awaited Anointed One. He looked nothing like what John had imagined, but the declaration of his wilderness mentor, John the Baptizer, was unequivocal: This was the One. He and another of the Baptizer\\u2019s disciples decided to get a closer look, to follow Jesus home, to hear what He had to say about Himself and Israel. Before the next day's dawn, he knew: They had found the Messiah. \\xa0 John's few years with Jesus flew by like a flash of lightning, yet remained vividly clear in his mind for more than seventy years. During that short time with Jesus, he saw the man he thought would be a conquering super-David, the Savior of Israel, stripped, beaten mercilessly, and hung on a cross like a petty thug. He saw the sky darken as the world's Light faded into death. Then he saw his hope resurrected to assume a more glorious form than he ever could have imagined, and he stood in awe as the presence of God filled the group of squabbling, self-promoting disciples and transformed them into the body of Christ\\u2014the bones and muscle, hands and feet of Christ. \\xa0 Then, as the blood of his martyred brothers and sisters yielded new believers, John nurtured them. As Paul, Barnabas, Silas, Apollos, Luke, Timothy, Titus, and other missionaries zealously expanded the church westward, John anchored its foundation. As critics bashed, John defended. As imposters subverted, John exposed them. As false prophets misled, John refuted their heretical message. He condensed his teaching into three letters (1\\u20133 John), originally circulated within Asia Minor churches around AD 65. \\xa0 Having outlived all his martyred peers, John was exiled by Emperor Domitian to..."