Day 2065 The Book of Proverbs Chapter 25 Daily Wisdom

Published: Nov. 25, 2022, 8 a.m.

b'Welcome to Day 2065 of\\xa0 Wisdom-Trek, and thank you for joining me.
This is Guthrie Chamberlain, Your Guide to Wisdom
The Book of Proverbs \\u2013 Chapter 25 \\u2013 Daily Wisdom
Wisdom-Trek Podcast Script - Day 2065

Welcome to Wisdom-Trek with Gramps! I am Guthrie Chamberlain, and we are on Day 2065 of our Trek. Establishing good habits is imperative for living a Godly life and one habit I have practiced nearly every day for the past 45+ years of my adult life is to read the chapter in the book of Proverbs that corresponds to the day of the month. This single habit has been the catalyst for gaining wisdom and creating a living legacy. Adopting this habit can do the same for your life. The realization that God\\u2019s Wisdom is the only true wisdom drives me to seek God\\u2019s wisdom each day, and there is no better way to do this than to meditate on God\\u2019s book of Wisdom. Wisdom is the final frontier in gaining true knowledge. So we are on a daily trek to create a legacy of wisdom, to seek out discernment and insights, and to boldly grow where few have chosen to grow before. Today I will read Proverbs 25.
The Book of Proverbs - Chapter 25

More Proverbs of Solomon

25\\xa0These are more proverbs of Solomon, collected by the advisers of King Hezekiah of Judah.

2\\xa0It is God\\u2019s privilege to conceal things
and the king\\u2019s privilege to discover them.

3\\xa0No one can comprehend the height of heaven, the depth of the earth,
or all that goes on in the king\\u2019s mind!

4\\xa0Remove the impurities from silver,
and the sterling will be ready for the silversmith.
5\\xa0Remove the wicked from the king\\u2019s court,
and his reign will be made secure by justice.

6\\xa0Don\\u2019t demand an audience with the king
or push for a place among the great.
7\\xa0It\\u2019s better to wait for an invitation to the head table
than to be sent away in public disgrace.

Just because you\\u2019ve seen something,
8\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0don\\u2019t be in a hurry to go to court.
For what will you do in the end
if your neighbor deals you a shameful defeat?

9\\xa0When arguing with your neighbor,
don\\u2019t betray another person\\u2019s secret.
10\\xa0Others may accuse you of gossip,
and you will never regain your good reputation.

11\\xa0Timely advice is lovely,
like golden apples in a silver basket.

12\\xa0To one who listens, valid criticism
is like a gold earring or other gold jewelry.

13\\xa0Trustworthy messengers refresh like snow in summer.
They revive the spirit of their employer.

14\\xa0A person who promises a gift but doesn\\u2019t give it
is like clouds and wind that bring no rain.

15\\xa0Patience can persuade a prince,
and soft speech can break bones.

16\\xa0Do you like honey?
Don\\u2019t eat too much, or it will make you sick!

17\\xa0Don\\u2019t visit your neighbors too often,