Day 1513 Proof Of A Futuristic Abundance Mindset Ask Gramps

Published: Nov. 6, 2020, 8 a.m.

b'Welcome to Day 1513 of our Wisdom-Trek, and thank you for joining me.\\xa0This is Guthrie Chamberlain, Your Guide to WisdomProof Of A Futuristic Abundance Mindset \\u2013 Ask GrampsWisdom - the final frontier to true knowledge.\\xa0Welcome to Wisdom-Trek! Where our mission is to create a legacy of wisdom, to seek out discernment and insights, to boldly grow where few have chosen to grow before. Hello, my friend; I am Guthrie Chamberlain, your captain on our journey to increase Wisdom and Create a Living Legacy.\\xa0Thank you for joining us today as we explore wisdom on our 2nd millennium of podcasts. Today is Day 1513 of our Trek, and our focus on Fridays is the future technological and societal advances, so we call it Futuristic Fridays.\\xa0My personality is one that has always been very future-oriented.\\xa0Since my childhood, I have yearned for the exploration and discovery of new technologies and advancements for the future.\\xa0I grew up with the original Star Trek series, and even today, as I am now on my 65th revolution around the sun, I still dream of traveling in space. Each week we will explore rapidly converging technologies and advancements, which will radically change our lives.\\xa0At times, the topics may sound like something out of a science fiction novel, but each area that we explore is already well on its way of becoming a reality over the next couple of decades.
To keep with our theme of \\u201cAsk Gramps,\\u201d I will put our weekly topics in the form of a question to get us on track.\\xa0This week\\u2019s question is, Hey Gramps; last week, you challenged us to craft a futuristic abundance mindset.\\xa0What type of data or proof do you have that will provide evidence of a futuristic abundance mindset?\\xa0
Proof Of An Futuristic Abundance MindsetLast week we drilled down on a futuristic abundance mindset. This week I will explore some data that will back up that mindset.\\xa0I am using some of the information mentioned in Peter Diamandis\\u2019s blogs and book \\u201cThe Future is Faster Than You Think.\\u201d
The world is getting\\xa0better\\xa0on many critical fronts.\\xa0Many of us can\\u2019t see this good news because we are constantly bombarded by negative information online, on TV, and in newspapers.
So why are we fed \\u201cNegative/Crisis News\\u201d 24/7 on every device we own? Since the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden, our minds have been impacted negatively.\\xa0Many mindsets view life as if we are surrounded by a world of severe and immediate danger.
To deal with this constant negative presence, our mindset becomes programmed to view much of life as scary and dangerous.\\xa0It puts us on *red alert.* Because of our worldview, we pay\\xa010x more attention\\xa0to negative news than to positive information.
Because of this strange phenomenon, nearly every news source puts out\\xa010x more negative stories\\xa0than positive. It\\u2019s purely a matter of marketing for news sources.\\xa0If they can capture our attention, it increases their advertising revenue.
\\u201cIf it bleeds, it leads\\u201d is the saying. Since every TV news show\\u2019s job is to deliver\\xa0your eyes\\xa0to\\xa0their advertisers, negative stories reign. Because of our mindset, we remain glued to the programming.
Do this experiment:\\xa0Pick up your newspaper or go to any online news outlet and compare the ratio of negative to positive stories. It\\u2019s at least 10-to-1.
Last week, I discussed the\\xa0benefits of a Futuristic Abundance Mindset. Today, we\\u2019re going to look at the *data-driven optimism* that comes from the overwhelming evidence as exponential technologies will improve access to well-care, cleaner, and renewable energy, reduce childhood mortality, and reduce global poverty, and many more items.
You may receive pushback from friends, family, even fellow Christ-followers as you talk about a hopeful and abundant future.\\xa0That\\u2019s okay; show them the data below.
My mission is to inspire you, and to provide you with a hopeful, compelling, and abundant'