E138: Desert dwellers II

Published: Feb. 19, 2024, 11 a.m.


Today I delve into some of the questions and meanings we can consider when more desert animals cross our path. I\'d forgotten about javelina and coyote as I recorded the previous episode, so decided to add them in here.


Javelina showed up for me last week in southern Arizona while I was driving at night: a family of four curiously investigating part of the desert. In a curious twist of fate, the day I recorded the episode, coyotes showed up multiple times both before and after. One place was in the book I finished that morning, about a tree in Haida Gwaii entitled The Golden Spruce by John Vaillant (highly recommend). One telling of that tree can be found here on the Haida Tourism site.



Thank you for listening! You can connect with me at cactusmoose@protonmail.com or @cactusmoose on Instagram with questions, comments and guest suggestions. Have a wonderful day, and enjoy the time you spend in nature.

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