Wicked Words - Mikita Brottman: Couple Found Slain

Published: Nov. 20, 2023, 8:01 a.m.

b'In February of 1992, a 22 year old walked into a police station in Florida and confessed that he\\u2019d shot and killed his parents. He claimed that he had been possessed by the devil. He was eventually diagnosed with schizophrenia and ruled \\u201cnot criminally responsible\\u201d for the murders on grounds of insanity. But after the trial, where do the "criminally insane\\u201d end up? Nonfiction author and psychoanalyst\\xa0Mikita\\xa0Brottman unravels the story at the center of her book\\xa0Couple Found Slain.\\xa0\\n\\nSupport this podcast by shopping our latest sponsor deals and promotions at this link:\\xa0https://bit.ly/4dsqzI1\\n\\nBuy my books:\\u202fkatewinklerdawson.com\\xa0\\xa0\\nIf you have suggestions for historical crimes that could use some attention, email me:\\u202finfo@tenfoldmorewicked.com\\xa0\\xa0\\nFollow me on social: @tenfoldmore (Twitter) / @tenfoldmorewicked (Facebook and Instagram)\\xa0\\xa0\\n2023 All Rights Reserved\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'