Colossal Meltdown

Published: Aug. 17, 2022, 10 a.m.

The disaster at the Chornobyl (yes, I spelled that correctly) nuclear power plant was a culmination of human errors, faulty design, and poor leadership. A slight departure for us, but an interesting exploration into the levels of the event.

- Abraham: Kirby Vacuums (
- Shane: The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music by Dave Grohl (

Links and Resources

- World Nuclear Association Information
- History Channel and Nuclear disasters
- five worst nuclear disasters
- True Death Toll
- Facts about nuclear energy
- History Channel
- Associated Press story on Japan to release nuclear water in 2 years (by 2023)
- US Energy Sources (great image here)
1. History Channel
2. Associated Press story on Japan to release nuclear water in 2 years (by 2023)

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