WIP 519: How to Close Real Estate Deals Virtually When You Have Little Money and No Time

Published: Sept. 21, 2020, 7:30 a.m.


For most people, the idea of doing things virtually is daunting enough, so much more if you have to do it with little money and no time. The thing is, while challenging, it can be done. And that\\u2019s something today\\u2019s guests can definitely attest to!

In this episode, determined rhinos Steve Washko and his partner Calem shared how they were able to wholesale virtually with the expertise and guidance of our very own Lauren Hardy.

Understandably, just like most wholesalers, they encountered a few hiccups along the way. Fortunately, they have a mentor to help them out and encourage them to keep going.

If you\\u2019re considering getting into the virtual wholesaling game but unsure if you have what it takes to make it happen, this episode is for you!


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