WIP 1157: Wholesaling Quicktip - 3 FREE Ways to Get a Proof of Funds Letter

Published: Feb. 28, 2023, 8 a.m.


Making all-cash offers is a powerful tool for investors, but it can be difficult to do if you don't have the cash to back it up. Fortunately, there are ways to make all-cash offers even if you don't have the cash on hand. One way is to get a Proof of Funds letter. It is a document that shows the seller that you have the funds available to purchase the property.

Brent Daniels has three simple and effective ways to get your hands on a Proof of Funds letter that will help you in your offer arsenal.

If you want more real estate investing techniques check out Brent\\u2019s TTP training program for more winning strategies.


Show notes:

  • (0:54) Beginning of today\\u2019s episode
  • (1:52) Hard money starts with a group of wealthy people.
  • (3:29) Hard money Lenders are in business because they want to lend money.
  • (4:12) Reach out to hard money lenders and ask for "proof of funds."
  • (5:45) Having a local hard money proof of funds is more powerful than having more of a national brand.\\xa0
  • (9:18)\\xa0 It is so powerful to be able to offer motivated property owners a "cash as-is" offer.



  • Double Close
  • Best Transactional Funding
  • To speak with Brent or one of our other expert coaches call (281) 835-4201 or schedule your free discovery call here to learn about our mentorship programs and become part of the Tribe

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