When the Night Comes Out - Season Four - Episode Three: The German

Published: Oct. 17, 2023, 5 a.m.

Witness a man, just an ordinary man, thrown into the vortex of history. A simple soldier tasked with guarding one of the most notorious German prisoners ever imprisoned at the end of World War Two. A man who is about to find out that the old adage, that if you stare into the face of evil, you will see that evil stares back into you, is all too true. This is especially true, and monumentally terrifying, When the Night Comes Out.

When the Night Comes Out is created by:

Bryan W. Alaspa, and for more of his writing, including his latest novel DEVOURED, click HERE.

Aliie James narrates and produces the podcast and for more of her work or to hire her for your voice and production need, click here.