Top 5 Foods to Boost Metabolism Naturally for Women Over 40

Published: Feb. 17, 2023, 6 a.m.


Myth debunked: your metabolism doesn\'t slow down automatically with age. But there are a few factors you need to consider that can have a negative impact. In this episode, I discuss why you might have a slow metabolism, the two things you want to check if you\\u2019re over 40, and steps you can take to have a faster metabolism.

If you want to lose weight, you must make sure you\\u2019re holding on to muscle mass and getting optimal protein in your diet. I discuss how you can accomplish both. Another important, but often overlooked, factor to address is low thyroid function.

In this episode, I highlight specific spices, beverages, and foods that are shown to support a healthy blood-sugar response to a meal, help burn fat, and support a healthy metabolism. You don\\u2019t want to miss the daily beverage I drink that can promote fat and calorie burning... even at rest.

To avoid weight struggles, hair loss, mood disruptions, and other challenges women often experience with age, you must take steps to maintain a healthy metabolism. It\\u2019s worth it\\u2014because when you embrace aging powerfully, you can feel great in your 40s and beyond!

Full show notes:

Learn more about a DEXA body composition scan:\\xa0

Use a bioimpedance scale at home: Tanita\\u2019s Body Composition Scale:

I recommend getting your thyroid tested if you\\u2019re 40+:

My Reignite Wellness\\u2122 Curcumin Chews help manage inflammation:

I start every morning with this organic black coffee:

I drink green tea from Pique Tea:

Listen to my podcast with Dr. Richard Johnson:

Listen to my podcast episode 6 Ways to A Healthy Metabolism:\\xa0

Study: Effects of Green Tea and its EGCG Content on Body Weight and Fat Mass in Humans:

Study: The Effects of Ginger on Fasting Blood Sugar:
