The Best Exercises to Do for Core & Burning Belly Fat for Women 50+ with Debra Atkinson

Published: Jan. 25, 2023, 6 a.m.


Exercise and burning belly fat get harder as women age. Plus, a lot of outdated myths exist, so you might be doing things wrong. Debra Atkinson has helped 250,000+ women flip their second half of life with vitality and energy. She\'s the best-selling author of You Still Got It, Girl! The After 50 Fitness Formula for Women and Navigating Fitness After 50. In this episode, JJ and Debra reveal the best exercises for women over 50, with tips and truths you need to know.

Debra gives her number one thing women of this age need to work on, and why. The truth is, yoga and Pilates are good, but they\\u2019re NOT enough. She discusses what building muscle does for women metabolically and why the old way of determining flexibility isn\\u2019t enough.

Then, they talk about core exercise: why it\\u2019s important and myths surrounding this important type of exercise. Doing it right will help you lose belly fat and be stronger. Visceral fat is a killer, so you want to learn how to address this.

You won\\u2019t want to miss the five specific exercises that women over 50 should do and how to do them from Debra. They are super short and doable, leaving you with more energy. If you\\u2019re not strengthening your body the right way, your health and your metabolism will suffer, so this is a conversion every woman over 50 needs to hear.

Full show notes:

Get Debra\\u2019s 5-Day Flip (5 short workouts over 5 days):\\xa0

Watch Debra\\u2019s TED Talk: What Women in Menopause Learned About Exercise May Be A Lie:

Listen to The Peter Attia Drive Podcast:

Read my Top 10 Ground Rules To Be The Best Fat Burner:

Read more from Mark Sisson about High-Intensity Repeat Training:

Listen to my podcast with info about a DEXA body scan: The Best Way to Measure Body Fat:

Learn more about Debra Atkinson:\\xa0
