Balance Your Hormones Around Menopause to Lose Weight + Feel Better with Dr. Anna Cabeca

Published: April 13, 2022, 5 a.m.


As a woman who is approaching or is in menopause, have you resigned yourself to the idea that you\\u2019ll never again feel that oomph that you once felt? Well, I have great news: No matter what your age or current condition, Dr. Anna Cabeca can help you lose weight, stop weight regain, break weight loss plateaus, and reclaim your energy and vitality!

Today, I talk with Dr. Anna about how to break weight loss plateaus, balance your hormones around menopause, and feel better fast. Dr. Anna is an OB-GYN and Women\'s Health Expert, but her followers call her \\u201cThe Girlfriend Doctor\\u201d.

You\\u2019ll learn why menopausal symptoms can show up as early as your mid-30s\\u2026 and the warning signals to look for. Dr. Anna reveals what she didn\\u2019t learn in her residency about hysterectomies that you need to know, plus the big question you want to ask before critical surgeries.

Dr. Anna also provides 5 game-changing eating plans that have helped thousands of her patients break through weight loss plateaus and eliminate menopausal symptoms\\u2026 including the plan that helped one woman lose 11 pounds in 6 days!

Don\\u2019t miss this fun, informative, actionable episode with one of my dearest and most respected friends.

Get Dr. Anna\\u2019s Keto-Green for Menopause Recipe Book
