MYSTERIOUS MISTS AND STRANGE VANISHINGS and More Terrifying True Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives

Published: July 23, 2024, midnight

b'IN THIS EPISODE: When driving towards the banks of the Chunky River in Mississippi, it\\u2019s best not to ignore the \\u201cStuckey Bridge Closed\\u201d sign. \\xa0In fact, you might want to avoid the bridge altogether if you are the least bit squeamish. (The Hanging Man at Stuckey\\u2019s Bridge) *** Feelings created by your living area. \\xa0Can your home truly dictate the way you feel? (Feelings of Pain, Hatred and Anger Caused By My Apartment) *** In the early 1870s the counties of Labette and Montgomery in Kansas were experiencing an alarming number of missing persons. Could a local grocery owner and his family be to blame? (The Bloody Benders) *** The legend of Lavinia Fisher has been told and retold since her execution in Charleston, South Carolina in 1820 and with each telling it has grown more extravagant and further from the truth. (The Legend of Lavinia Fisher) *** Why are so many mysterious vanishings combined with some type of cloud, fog or mist? (Mysterious Mists And Strange Vanishings)

\\u201cThe Hanging Man at Stuckey\\u2019s Bridge\\u201d by Jennifer Jacob:
\\u201cThe Legend of Lavinia Fisher\\u201d by Robert Wilhelm:
\\u201cThe Bloody Benders\\u201d by Robert Wilhelm:
\\u201cFeelings of Pain, Hatred and Anger Caused By My Apartment?\\u201d:
\\u201cMysterious Mists and Strange Vanishings\\u201d by Brent Swancer:
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library
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"I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." \\u2014 John 12:46
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Originally aired: October 02, 2018