Alfred Hitchcock Presents: BEING A MURDERER MYSELF by Arthur Williams #WeirdDarkness

Published: March 22, 2024, midnight

b'It\\u2019s Thriller Thursday and this week it\\u2019s a story published in 1957 in the hardback anthology, \\u201cAlfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories They Wouldn\\u2019t Let Me Do On TV\\u201d. Written by Arthur Williams, the story was also used and adapted for \\u201cThe Late Alfred Hitchcock Presents\\u201d radio show for the BBC in 2010 as part of the five part series of dramatizations of stories deemed too unsuitable for the original Alfred Hitchcock Presents television series. If Alfred Hitchcock liked it this much, and the TV networks thought it was too much for audiences in the mid 1950\\u2019s\\u2026 I can only assume it will be just perfect for our consumption.

\\u201cBeing a Murderer Myself\\u201d by Arthur Williams, from the anthology \\u201cAlfred Hitchcock Presents Stories They Wouldn\\u2019t Let Me Do On TV\\u201d:
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library.
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"I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." \\u2014 John 12:46
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Originally aired: June 21, 2021