228: WEBE 108 Aitoro Appliance Thanksgiving Recipe Share

Published: Nov. 20, 2020, 2:44 p.m.

Karen from Milford 

My famous Jamaican curry chicken. Whole chicken cut up small, wash and clean. In a bowl, season chicken with curry, black pepper seasoning, salt, cayenne pepper, and a dash of cilantro. Also diced onions, peppers, red and green tomato, scallion and thyme. Mix it all up in the bowl with some water making it nice and rich. Then in a saucepan, add vegetable oil mixed with a dash of curry. (Make sure the oil is hot). Put pieces in one at a time and stir until lightly browned. Then all the seasoning that’s left in the bowl, pour over the chicken. Stir and let simmer until cooked.