Survey To Sales Boost Conversions Like Crazy

Published: March 9, 2014, 11:13 p.m.

Every now and then doing this show costs me money. Why? Because I come across a product so powerful and unique that I just have to purchase it. Today's show (episode 239) is one of those shows. I came Across Survey ( 2 Sale (affiliate link) and I was like WOW!. I contacted the developer and he was nice enough to come on the show and explain it. I have this implemented at if you want to check it out. The Idea You build a survey for your visitors. The more questions they answer, the larger the coupon they earn. Why It Works As you start to answer questions, you realize that the more you answer you more you save. Then when you run out of questions, you receive your coupon. As you have earned this coupon, you feel like you should use it. Thus conversions are going through the roof. If that wasn't enough, when you get the coupon you also receive a count down timer showing how long the coupon will last. This splash of scarcity is the icing on the cake to get people to buy your product. Watch How Easy It Is see for videos For more information go to (