Save Time With Custom Templates - Google Alerts Alternative

Published: Sept. 5, 2013, 2:20 p.m.

Today's show comes from listener Bill Hutchinson who sent this over:

Simple Post Templates

"I have recently started to use the "Simple Post Templates" plugin for WordPress to help with my posting of podcasts. Using it I have created a template for my episodes, including my introduction, closing, and contact information." - Bill Hutchinson

This took me all of three minutes to figure out. If there are things you want on every page, you can create a page with all the things you want. Then Save it as a template. Then when you create a new post, you will have a "Load Template" button in the upper right hand corner. When you click on the drop down list and load the template, all the text you previously entered and you can start from there and edit it.

If you have certain pages that always follow a certain format, you can use this tool to save you a ton of time.

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