Push Notifications With Notice Software Solutions

Published: Dec. 14, 2013, 10:15 p.m.

Today we talk with the developer from Notice Software who make roost.me and smartloop.com. Both services comes from Notice Software which specializes in Push notification.


Roost.me is a free service and wordpress plugin that you can use to allow your visitors to be update via a push message to their phone. The nice thing about this is you can get instant stats on how many messages were sent and how many people opened the message. I signed up and had it running on my site in under 10 minutes.

If you spend a little extra money you can schedule your push notification and to make sure you're not wasting time of your readers you can geotarget your messages (so you don't send a message to California about your meeting in Ohio). You can also autopush via RSS ($29 a month). You can check out their site at www.roost.me


Smartloop.com is similar to Roost but think of it as an intranet push service (for businesses to push to employees). For pricing information about Smartloop see their website at http://smartloop.io