Lead Pages - Oh Now I Get It

Published: Aug. 25, 2014, 4:45 a.m.

I went to a conference and saw a presentation from someone at LeadPages. It was really good without being a giant commercial for LeadPages. At the end of the presentation, I asked the rep if he had 4,000 email lists if you are giving away all these ebooks and other incentives for people's email address. Then the lights came on. (http://link.leadpages.net/aff_c?offer_id=6&aff_id=7619&file_id=47) You can have your list in Aweber (or whatever provider) and LeadPages delivers the incentive, and then adds them to your main list. This way you can have a ton of pages with different incentives, and still noly have one central list (or as many lists as you want). Originally I thought emailing my list after I gave away all these incentives was going to be a nightmare, but after some time with the rep I now see the advantage of LeadPages. Pricing starts at $37. I chose the $67, and there is a $99 package (all per month) if you want to be a super user.Check it out at wwwweeklywebtools.com/leadpages