EasyAzon Plugin Boosts Amazon Affiliate Commissions

Published: Nov. 19, 2013, 5:09 a.m.

easy azonToday I talk about a plugin I own that helps making Amazon.com affiliate links. If you watch the video below you will see where 1. It can take some time to search for the right product 2. Make the affiliate link 3. Add that to your website. Now I realize that its copy and paste, so it's not like digging a ditch, but it can be time-consuming. It forces you to leave your site, and lose your focus. I've been using the older version of this software and this year I made over $1500 affiliate commissions - and that's without using the new features. Here are some cool new features. 1. The ability to extend your affiliate cooky by 89 days. 2. The ability to add pop-ups from text links (which can add to clicks) 3. The ability to add just image links, just text links, etc. and call outs. These also have tons of options so you can make the type of links you want.

Capitalize On Your Global Audience

You will see in the video below that its super easy to capitalize on the global audience you might have by signing up for the amazon affiliate in different countries (I've been ignoring this option, but now that I see how easy it is to use I will definitely be adding this to my efforts.

One Price For Unlimited Sites

You can purchase this plugin (with some cool ebooks and video lessons) for $47. They also have great support. I know being a previous user they gave step by step directions on how to upgrade. I highly recommend it. Check out the video.