Easy, Fast, Copywriting Tool - Script Doll

Published: Feb. 21, 2015, 8:47 p.m.

Today we have a tool to help create copy for your website. It's Call Script Doll, and it's pretty cool. You put in the demographics of your audience, you put in your product, and from there you can have it spit out sales letters, email blasts, video sales letters and more. It's impressive. It's not perfect, and like everything I had to go back and tweak some stuff as it is taking your input and putting it into what amounts to be a template. The templates are created by copywriting gurus, and I must say that after ready the first thing it spits out at me, I was thinking, "Man when I write copy it just sucks". I was getting sucked into my own product. As there is no "one size fits all" there will be some tweaking. Script doll gets you most of the way and you tweak the rest. The price is $61 a month. I can see some folks purchasing this for one month, getting all the copy they need, and canceling their subscription (which is why it's probably $61 a month). Now let's think about this. One of my favorite books on copywriting is by Ray Edwards. You can learn alot about copywriting from this book It will alos take you more than 20 minutes to read it. So if you want good copy, that you can edit (the program gives you your copy in a word document or pdf), and use on your site in a matter of minutes (not days) this is an impressive tool. There is a video at weeklywebtools.com/278   For more information go to weeklywebtools.com/script doll