WTG 77 Pick-A-De-Buck 03 - Wall Street

Published: Feb. 3, 2014, 4:59 a.m.

b'Yo, we are back! We Talk Games Video Power Magazine presents, Pick-A-De-Buck Episode 003, the most popular weekly, one arcade game review per episode show ever created by humans or the reptilian illuminati secret overlords of the deranged conspiracy theorists lame crotch imagination.The video game journalist award wining crew and non-sport card superstars of Kyle VonKubik and Wiggly of Trap Door review Century, Wall Street (1982) with Expert Gaming Tips provided by author, artist and Irish guy,John E Capcom plus, robot femme fatale, TT Schmootkins returns with the Pick-A-De-Buck Audio Clue for next week!\\n

\\nA sad but special We Talk Games business announcement.'