Lauren & Spencer - Red Flags, Baby!

Published: Jan. 9, 2024, 5:56 p.m.


Spencer calls into the show because he thinks his wife of three years might be cheating. The red flags are flying... Who is Lauren texting late at night? Why does she come home smelling of another mans colognes? Will the answers confirm Spencer\'s fears? Listen now to find out.\\xa0


\\u27a1\\ufe0e The Jubal Show\\u2019s War of The Roses / To Catch A Cheater

If you can\'t call a radio show to see if your significant other is cheating on you, who can you call!? In this segment, Jubal and the team do a sneaky prank on a significant other in an effort to trip them up. The person who set them up is ALWAYS listening on the other line. Drama, babe. Drama.

This is just a tiny piece of The Jubal Show. You can find every podcast we have, including the full show every weekday right here\\u2026


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