Epcot Beacons of Magic And A Rainbow Connection

Published: Jan. 26, 2022, 9:41 p.m.


Hello Travelers! Enjoy a Wednesday episode filled with some sounds of EPCOT! Producer Josh takes you along during a busy festival evening to take in the Beacons of Magic show on Spaceship Earth. We\\u2019ll hear some tracks from the entry music loop, then see with our ears the regular beacon show followed by the newest addition to the spectacle featuring a \\u201ccolorful\\u201d classic. \\U0001fa95\\U0001f49a \\U0001f308.\\xa0


As always, use good listening devices as we always record in 4 channel surround sound. We hope you enjoy the episode and thanks so much for following along!


Look us up at\\xa0@WalkaboutWDW\\xa0on Instagram and drop us a note to say hi! Find our producer Josh also on Instagram at\\xa0@TheSteele. Say hi to our west coast correspondent Ric at\\xa0@KiltedJediRic.\\xa0


You can now also drop us at line at\\xa0contact@walkabouttheworld.com. Say hi, give us some suggestions on things you\'d love to hear, or even record your own \'Hello Traveler\' show open when you are out and about, and we\'ll work it into a future show!
