A Summer Walkabout Walk and Talk in Tomorrowland [ep 025]

Published: Aug. 15, 2021, 8:04 p.m.


Hello Travelers! This week our walkabout takes us back to the Magic Kingdom and Tomorrowland, for what we do best - wander aimlessly and enjoy park atmosphere. We start out at Tomorrowland Terrace and work our way through Tomorrowland, taking time to check attraction lines, poke into the Space Mountain store, and take a ride on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover. We escape the heat for a few with a cold beverage and short part of the set from Sonny Eclipse in Cosmic Rays Starlight Cafe, and then we wind the episode up by tracking down some Guest Experience cast members to leave a cast compliment for a wonderful cast member that went above and beyond.\\xa0


Production notes: you\'ll note the episode outro audio seems a little off, and that\'s because your humble podcast host jostled the mic gain at the end of the day and screwed up the audio. Hey, we keep it real here folks.\\xa0


Look us up at\\xa0@WalkaboutWDW\\xa0on Instagram and drop us a note to say hi! Find our producer Josh on Instagram at\\xa0@TheSteele.
