Published: May 27, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

This week, we saw the letter Trump sent to the Kid Dictator cancelling the summit in Singapore, but could the cancellation heard round the world be false? What is Trump's plan what else could he want from the North Koreans? We talk to our resident missile defense expert Riki Ellison about the remaining concessions Trump wants from Kim before the early June summit. Then, we're headed into Europe where everyone's favorite public speaker Mark Zuckerberg appeared in front of the European Parliament. Facebook, Googel and other tech giants are required to conform to a new European law focused on eliminating fake news. Will the new regulations have any effect on social media or is this more posturing to make everyone feel safe while their sharing everything with the tech giant? We speak to Mark in Europe and get his take on Zuckerberg's meeting with parliament. Finally, the Obamas get a reality show on Netflix. This time, the same people who claimed we can't take Donald Trump seriously because he was a reality star are gushing at the idea of seeing their favorite former first family in their own reality show. The hypocrisy is so deep and convoluted, not even The Rock can save us from Change is Hard.