Published: June 11, 2017, 7:09 p.m.

This week on Voice to America, we're delving into the snap election that cost the Conservative Party the majority in the British Parliament. Will Theresa May's own party hang her out to dry? We'll speak to our voices in the UK and Europe, the same voices that predicted this would happen.
Then, Middle Eastern countries call Qatar out for being the main supporter of terrorism. Is this true or is the pot calling the kettle black? Right now, Iran is sending aid to the gulf state. We'll speak to Kareem in Egypt and find out if the sanctions are warranted or if the other nations are using Qatar as a scapegoat.
And finally, former FBI Director James Comey testified this week, sparking a media circus as American news agencies hoped to hear Comey link Trump with Russia. Too bad that didn't work out, but how is the media manipulating the story to fit the narrative that the evil Russians are behind Trump's presidency?