Published: July 1, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

The EU takes a giant step backward in immigration policy. In a complete 180, Angela Merkel and the rest of the European Union have decided to start dissuading the waves of migrants coming from Africa by setting up detention centers. Is this Merkel's last attempt to stay in power? Last week, the entire world said detaining migrants is bad, so why is it ok when the EU does it? We speak to Mark in Europe and find out what Europeans think of the new policy and if it'll be enough to save Merkel (She is the new leader of the free world after all).
Then, we're heading South of the border, down Mexico way on election day. Career politician Andrés Manuel López Obrador is the front runner and he plans to clean up the corruption in the Mexican government and stand up to Donald Trump. We speak to Jorge in Mexico and find out if Obrador will bring real change or if it'll be business as usual.
Finally, on Change Is Hard, a socialist wins her primary in New York and the media swoons. We knew this was going to happen but we didn't know how long it would take. We're also revisiting the old popular media proverb: They go low, we go high. At this point, who really believes that sentiment?