Video Games 2 the MAX # 148: Financials Galore, Deus Ex on Hiatus, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, More

Published: Feb. 3, 2017, 4:52 a.m.

b'On this edition of Video Games 2 the MAX, After another unintended delay, Sean Garmer and Marc Morrison are back to talk about what\\u2019s going on in Video Games, and some Entertainment stuff too.

Nintendo has revealed more spec information on the Switch, including confirming some pertinent questions. Nintendo also has good and bad news on their financials. This includes strong sales for Pokemon Sun and Moon. EA also has some interesting financial stuff, with Titanfall 2 sales causing some speculation as to what it means for the franchise\\u2019s future. Eidos puts Deus Ex Franchise on hold. Sony even has financial news too.

Sean and Marc talk about their time with Yakuza 0. Marc\\u2019s also been playing Tales of Berseria. While Sean picked up Kingdom Hearts 2.8 as well.'