Temtem, Torchlight 3, Predicting PS5 Games - Video Games 2 the MAX #211

Published: Jan. 28, 2020, 2:48 p.m.

b"On this episode, Sean Garmer and Marc Morrison begin by discussing Marc's trip to Chicago to see a Nier orchestral concert. Then, they move on to the games they are playing and reviewing. Marc keeps powering his way through Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot and has played some Tokyo Mirage Sessions: #FE Encore as well. While Sean talks the Pokemon-like MMO Temtem and the narrative game Mosaic.

After that, they get into the news of the week. Torchlight Frontier is now Torchlight 3 and it has Marc a bit excited. Dying Light 2 is the latest game to be delayed. Ninja Theory's Project Mara, Activision-Blizzard signing with Youtube Gaming, Nintendo's touch pen patent, and more.

FInally, in the topic of the week, the guys try to predict which one of these numerous amounts of rumors could actually come true and which ones are totally false. Will any of them be launch games? Or are these titles that we see way down the line in the console generation? Listen as they discuss the possibility of Horizon: Zero Dawn 2, God of War 2, Silent Hill games, Sony buying a few studios, and more.

Timestamps: (Sorry these are not more exact as Sean is uploading this quickly before going to his other job, they will be replaced later in the day.)

First 30 mins: Marc's trip to Chicago and Games they are playing: Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore, Temtem, and Mosaic.

Next 30 Mins: Torchlight 3, Kotor Remake, Activision-Blizzard signing with Google and Youtube, and more.

Final 30 mins or so: Predicting PS5 Games Topic: The guys talk Sony possibly buying some studios, what those studios may be making, and all the recent PS5 game rumors too."