Co-operative Multiplayer Live #112: Nintendo Smashes, FFVII Remake, & a ton more

Published: Dec. 16, 2015, 6:31 p.m.

b"Well, it's been a couple weeks and a lot has happened since we last had a podcast. Nintendo had their final Direct of 2015 and the Game Awards and Playstation Experience 2015 have occurred and at least there were quite a few things to discuss out of it.

Sean Garmer and Marc Morrison discuss what they thought about all three of those events in detail, what were some of the best announcements? Are we excited to see Bayonetta in Smash? Did they finally get it right with the Game Awards? Did Sony leave some things on the table? We give all of our thoughts right here.

Of course, we couldn't leave without talking about all of the news surrounding the Final Fantasy VII Remake. Did Square-Enix make things worse by making the game episodic? Could it actually turn out to be a better experience? You might be surprised by our thoughts on this.

There's also Hideo Kojima making his independent studio and signing a deal with Sony, Sony wanting fans to pick their PS2 games on PS4, Microsoft working to add Xbox 360 games to the Xbox One digitally, System Shock 3 being sort of announced, G.I. Joe, Micronauts, and more getting a shared universe, could there be more Hunger Games films? And is Good Dinosaur really a flop? We talk about all of this and more on this week's edition.

Plus Sean gives his thoughts on Yakuza 5, FF VII PS4, Rock Band 4 new update, Guns Up! and Marc talks Just Cause 3 and Dragon Quest Heroes PC."