VL: To Those Who Thrive in The Dark, Ch. 4 "And the Giants Slip Free"

Published: Feb. 21, 2022, 7:34 p.m.

b'In the times before history, there was a tree whose roots and branches once bound every world as one.

Now Victoria has been tricked into awakening that tree and the walls of her home are crumbling beneath it.\\xa0 The balance of her power is shifting and her music box has been stolen.

Not that Victoria can fix any of this mess.\\xa0 Not yet.\\xa0 Not before she hits the ground and learns that someone in her basement is attempting to escape\\u2026

Cast (in order of appearance):

Cuckoo Stone, Narrator: Cynthia Lowman
Merritt Bigglesworth-Hayes: Louie Pollard
Victoria Bigglesworth-Hayes: Amber Collins
Mr. S: Karim Kronfli
Mr. I: David Ault
Ursa (The Bear): Karim Kronfli

Author: Christopher Long

Editor/Producer:\\xa0Daniel Foytik

Art: Jeanette Andromeda of JeanetteCreations.com

Score: Nico Vettese of\\xa0 We Talk of Dreams\\xa0

A 9th Story Studios Production, All rights reserved.\\xa0 | Foytik, Collins, Vettese

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"The Lift Arrives, (Opening Theme Music):
"Victoria\'s Music Box, (Victoria\'s Theme)"
The Lift Closing Theme Music
Composed and Recorded by Nico Vettese of We Talk of Dreams\\xa0


Sound FX: freesound.org, audioblocks.com


Sound Design by Davis Walden, of The Viridian Wild audio drama podcast.

Producer/ Creator: Daniel Foytik
Executive Producers: Amber Collins, Nico Vettese
Visit The Lift:\\xa0Facebook\\xa0|\\xa0Twitter | Instagram | Victoria\'s Twitter\\xa0

Victoria\'s Lift and all core characters, places, and situations are property of Daniel Foytik, 9th Story Studios, LLC and may not be used in any form without explicit written permission.'