S3E7: The Inexorable Halloween

Published: Nov. 1, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

b'Victoria tries to save three girls from an evil and ancient creature. But the universe may have different designs this Halloween in a very dark episode Victoria Bigglesworth-Hayes:\\xa0Amber Collins Main Narration, Wendi, Blair:\\xa0Heather Thomas Margeaux, Evelyn:\\xa0Nichole Goodnight Art:\\xa0Jeanette AndromedaScore:\\xa0Nico Vettese Get your copy of\\xa0The Lift, 9 Stories of Transformation Volume One\\xa0this Friday on Kindle or in Print in mid-November. Visit\\xa0victoriaslift.com/book\\xa0for updates and more information. Now more than ever, we need your support to keep the episodes coming \\u2013 the more support we receive, the more episodes we can make. Support the show on\\xa0Patreon\\xa0to help keep Victoria\\u2019s Lift in working order.'