VGBS 84 Black Box Challenge (NES Homebrew)

Published: Jan. 5, 2018, 9:57 a.m.


Bullshit Homework is back. It\'s time to explore Jeffrey Wittenhagen\'s Black Box Challenge! This is supreme badassary unbound, straight from the ever brilliant Rob Bryant and Sly Dog Studios.


Now, we\'re not letting the cat too far out of the bag here as we do want to leave much of the exploration goodness for you all to enjoy on your own. Today, we\'ll concentrate on many of the basics in terms of getting a really strong start on your journey. We share tips and tricks, what to keep an eye out for, and helpful hints regarding stamina and defense that will greatly increase your fighting prowess!


Additionally, there are a few really important special items you\'ll come across that we offer insight into. Also, we drop a super hint that will give you a huge leg up in regards to collecting currency for status upgrades during your adventure. Finally, we examine pop culture references within BBC and how you can get your hands on this wicked gem!

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