#7 Mormon Funeral

Published: Aug. 3, 2015, 6:26 p.m.

b'Well it is the start of a new week, and I\\u2019m sure you know exactly what that means\\u2026you get to listen to a new episode of Utah Outcasts!\\nThe panel this week consisted of myself, Kyle, Amanda, and Felicia. We do have a huge show topic-wise for all of you, but not quite the juggernaut length shows we\\u2019ve been making recently. I\\u2019ve finally figured out how to have SFX and audio clips playing on the episode so look forward to that.\\nWe couldn\\u2019t quite decide on a main topic for the week so instead we decided to make the whole show about the news of the week and probably the most sobering yet amazing tales that Kyle had from his week. Trust us, there are a few things he\\u2019ll tell you that will leave your mouth agape. Then to cap off the entire show we had our end-of-the-show features. If you wish to get in touch with anyone from the panel, please do so via the following.\\nEmail:\\xa0UO@PodHell.comVoicemail/SMS line: 347-669-3377Facebook:\\xa0Click HereTwitter:\\xa0Click Here\\nOPENING SONG\\xa0\\u2013 Die Antwoord \\u2013 \\u201cI Fink U Freeky\\u201dCLOSING SONG\\xa0\\u2013 Cyndi Lauper \\u2013 \\u201cThe Goonies \\u2018R\\u2019 Good Enough\\u201d\\nSubscribe via iTunesSubscribe via StitcherSupport us via PatreonBuy some Merch!'