#358 - Cousins Friends Balls

Published: Sept. 20, 2021, 5:49 a.m.

b'Hey everybody, welcome back to the Utah Outcasts! This week features X with a cavalcade of guest hosts as Felicia and Kyle needed the night off. With your good buddy this week was our returning champion Joe Bacon along with three amazing guests that helped it be a lot less lonely at the studio. First up from the UK we had Sam Chaos, then there\'s HK Perrin from California, and finally we had a nice visit from the Godless Engineer as we talked about a bit of this week\'s news along with a topic that X wanted to deep dive in to. Join us won\'t you?\\nTOPICS\\xa0THIS\\xa0WEEK\\n$150 "Qux" gadget sure looks a lot like this generic Linux TV box that wholesalers list for $15\\nMike Lindell is begging Fox News to start airing his ads again -- but the network is refusing\\nMark Milley had to \'batten down the hatches\' against Trump\'s \'unhinged\' behavior: presidential biographer\\nTrinidad And Tobago Makes Important Announcement On Nicki Minaj\'s Cousin\'s Friend\'s Balls\\nSECRET SHOW TEASER\\nNot included on this episode but is currently live on\\xa0Patreon exclusively for the next six months, On this week\'s secret show, X tripped across the Pastor Locke video where he whines about losing his Twitter account. No lie, it\'s a six minute video but we only covered the first two minutes because he is completely repeating himself every minute, and that we really needed to wrap things up. It\'s a trainwreck on many levels, but oh so fun to watch.\\n\\n\\nThank you for listening, we\'ll catch you in two weeks!\\nEmail:\\xa0Mailbag@UtahOutcasts.comVoicemail/SMS line: (347) 669-3377\\nInstagram:\\xa0Click HereFacebook:\\xa0Click HereTwitter:\\xa0Click HereYouTube:\\xa0Click Here\\nOPENING SONG\\xa0\\u2013\\xa0AKnewGod \\u201cBreak the Veil\\u201d\\xa0used with permissionCLOSING SONG\\xa0\\u2013\\xa0Teknoaxe \\u201cRace Between the Spires\\u201d\\xa0used with permission\\nBUY SOME MERCH!!!\\nSubscribe via iTunesSupport us via PatreonSupport us via PayPal\\nJoin the Discussion?'