Episode # 38: Real (Mom) Talk: Happy Illness Season!

Published: Dec. 13, 2021, 3 a.m.


Join Jamie as she talks to Katie. We are all Katie sometimes just wondering IF and WHEN our kids (and ourselves) will stop getting sick during this season. Katie\\u2019s little guy has had an especially rough go lately with RSV, Flu, and Hand, Foot & Mouth \\u2014 all within 2 months.

Toddlers that are now branching out to daycare, museums, nanny shares, etc. were born in a pandemic! Their little immune systems were just snuggling with mom and dad for the last two years.

Baby years and toddler years are delicate times for strategy and routine building. Both parties - babe and parent - rely on those routines in many ways. So, when a kid is sick - how are your routines affected? How do you get back on track?

Follow along as Jamie digs into:
-A \\u2018lipstick\\u2019 study
-meal time, food, and sleep while your kids are sick
-Rational backgrounds to your decision making
-Immunity building
-Flexibility while your kids are sick

And last but not least: if you\\u2019ve ever gone in to get your kid and found them in puke after ignoring their cry a few hours before\\u2026you are in good company!

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As always, thank you to Fidelity 529 for sponsoring this episode. https://www.fidelity.com/529-plans/massachusetts
