Revelation Revisited, Part 2: The Final Invitation

Published: July 25, 2022, 9:25 p.m.

Jason joins me as I continue to explore Revelation's implications for biblical universalism. We discuss similar topics as in my conversation with Jon (e.g., hermeneutics, open theism, value theory); however, this time, there is more emphasis on eschatology in the context of the whole Bible. 

Footnote: Here are some comments that occurred to me upon listening back through this episode:

12:31 That is, it will be an arc (or "U-shaped journey").  

15:57 The low-stakes game would be either: that some will choose Him freely, but not all; or that all will eventually choose Him, but not freely.  

1:04:40 John's use of the word "dogs" to describe those outside the city seems inappropriate for people who are (or at least once were) in the image of God. However, if the use of this word was indeed inspired by Our Lord, it cannot but recall Jesus' encounter with the Syro-Phoenician woman, in which He commended the faith of a gentile who dared to believe that the mercy of the Kingdom might extend even to the dogs at the edge of the children's table.  

2:25:18 Part of the quotation returns to me but not the source (although it was initially shared by my friend Nate Hile): "... [T]he God who is simultaneously a reflection of one's true self as well as the intimate stranger."