Near Death Experiences (NDEs), Part 3: Seeking Conceptual Clarity

Published: July 22, 2021, 5:30 p.m.

This is a more philosophical episode, and I would not recommend it to those interested in the "juicy details" of specific NDEs. This is basically me thinking out loud about different ways the afterlife could be and how NDE differences might be reconciled by various hypotheses. Here is an excerpt from my own wtiting that I read in the episode: "What does the afterlife look like? Is it a fixed terrain, or a protean landscape which changes to suit the psyche of the NDEr? I have personally sought to understand NDEs through the framework of at least five competing hypotheses which run the gamut from minimal to maximal objectivity. These hypotheses are: 1. NDEs are wholly subjective in that they can be regarded as nothing more than the spasms of a dying brain. 2. NDEs are semi-subjective in that they are characterized by dreamlike patterns of mental activity. However, they are objective in the sense that they are generated in conditions when one's characteristic "brain language" has been translated into a paraphysical dimension or domain. This can potentially explain the sense of physical embodiedness frequently reported by NDErs even when they find themselves "outside" their deceased remains. 3. NDEs are objective in the sense that they are not constructed by the subconscious at all, but are, rather, visions constructed for the NDEr's spiritual benefit (or, sometimes, detriment) by one or more otherworldly intelligences. However NDEs are subjective in the sense that they are not characterized by true intersubjective interaction with the rest of the afterworld's denizens. 4. Similar to online multiplayer video games, NDEs occur in "servers" with shared syntactic rulesets governing all of the server's participants. The servers do not necessarily exist permanently and may be "deleted" at the end of the experience. If true, this hypothesis could potentially reconcile the supposed objectivity of NDEs with the fact that many people's NDEs vary widely. 5. Each location described in each NDE exists as a stable terrain. That is, the places described in NDEs both pre- and post-exist the NDEr's temporary visitation of them."