Mar Saba Mysteries, Part 1

Published: May 15, 2021, 5:08 p.m.

Part 1 of a deep dive into the Mar Saba letter and its associated controversies. For those unfamiliar: The Mar Saba letter is a supposed epistle from Clement of Alexandria discovered by Morton Smith in 1958 at the Mar Saba Monastery in Jerusalem. Controversy has raged over its authenticity ever since it was first discovered. In this episode I lay out the letter, the surrounding debate, and my reasons for considering it inauthentic. Note: In my discussion of the rabbinic manuscript of Matthew, I mistakenly said that the rabbi commented that Jesus taught "the mystery of" the Kingdom of God in Bethany, making the parallel to "Secret Mark" appear stronger than it really was. In actuality, the rabbi only comments that in Bethany Jesus was teaching and/or seeking the Kingdom of God. Those interested in Viklund's paper can find his own treatment of it here: