God the Dreamer

Published: Nov. 2, 2021, 12:11 p.m.

Attempting to imagine the consciousness of God. Post-script: At the end of this meditation, I belatedly came to the following set of recognitions--(1) the experience of successive change presupposes memory or something very like it, (2) within what might be called the memory of God, causal relationships exist among meta-temporal states, (3) within a consciousness, memory cannot encompass an actually/already infinite series of events, therefore (4) this implies the existence of some earliest represented event with no preceding event to which we can draw a causal line. It occurs to me now, again belatedly, that rather than "confabulate" some slightly earlier event in retrospective fashion, the meta-temporal freedom afforded by God's consciousness allows for the following move: feeding the current state back into the past as its new cause* or beginning, thereby effecting a causal loop which itself serves as the starting point for a new mental operation at a recursively higher level of reference. Accordingly, God's consciousness would be characterized by both circular and linear movement--circular at a lower order of reference and (infinitely) linear on the dimension of recursion. (Note that such activity is not necessary to explain the system's existence, only to answer questions of state or value at different levels of structure.) In this episode as in most of my previous episodes, I make frequent reference to the work of C. M. Langan, on whom I am not an expert and for whom I do not speak. However I can say at a minimum that the above description sounds similar to (and is inspired by) remarks that Mr. Langan has made online. My views by no means necessarily represent his; yet, at the same time, I cannot claim credit for them as my own original inventions. This episode can be seen as my attempt to partially understand the work of C. M. Langan. *What is the state of the earliest represented event? There is no preceding event that may be turned to in order to decide the question. Therefore specify the state now and cite the present as cause/beginning of the process that led to that selection. This paradoxical kind of self-determination is possible because God is self-causing with respect to state (what) but causeless with respect to His underlying existence (that). He always exists Now as a matter of logical necessity and is thus free to edit to His own causal timeline.