Counterobjections to Contra Green: Against Eternal Conscious Torment

Published: June 26, 2022, 4:23 p.m.

In this episode, Rajat and I engage in some meta-commentary, responding to a YouTube response video ("Contra Green"). The response video by Original Win Productions features a panel of amateur theologians (John, Alex, Christian) defending the doctrine of eternal conscious torment against objections originally leveled by the atheist YouTuber and podcaster Emerson Green. Rajat and I deliver some counter-objections to their objections and close by watching some clips from Emerson's original video. Links to the response video and the original video, respectively, are given below.

Note: For unknown reasons, Zoom failed to record about 10 minutes of audio/video around the 1:25:00 mark. I apologize for the jarring transitions there and elsewhere, as our conversation as a whole was interrupted multiple times.